The Beginner's Guide to Biohacking

De Docteur Denys

This introductory guide on biohacking is the very first of its kind published in France. Biological hacking consists of optimizing physical and mental capacities, improving quality of life, and extending one’s life by the optimization of genes.

The author, Dr. Denys, is a physician and a former head of university clinics. He holds a double degree in anti-aging and preventive medicine and he reveals many biohacks in this guide:

 Why our bodies are full of technologies that can be upgraded and hacked to improve performance

How to sleep less and maintain higher energy levels (save up to 2 hours of sleep per night)

Biohacks to boost your brain (just like adding RAM to a computer to improve its performance). How to slow down the aging process of your cells. And much more, not only for men but also for women! This guide is a great resource to get started on your biohacking adventure! Whether you’re an entrepreneur, manager, freelancer, athlete, or a student, you’ll find it useful to optimize your performance!

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Livre numérique
Publié le : 07/03/2022
ISBN : 9791026290940
Formats : PDF - EPub - MobiPocket

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Docteur Denys

The author is a physician and the leading authority of Biohacking in France

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